Publishing Services

Our textbook composition will pass any preflight test you can throw our way. From a single booklet to a multi-volume textbook series or an online delivery system, our team is ready to handle all of your production needs.
We have also created thousands of pieces of art for major textbook programs—for every grade level and every discipline. Whether you are looking for stylistic renderings, informational graphics, scientific illustrations, or animation, our illustrators will deliver the right touch.


XML first publishing and accessibility solutions for educational publishers

XML first publishing


Infographics and illustrations


PDF outputting

XML and XHTML tagging

File archiving

IMS Common Cartridge Files

Continuum works with leading education publishers helping them prepare IMS based common cartridge files for leading learning management systems.

The IMS Common Cartridge interoperability standard provides a set of specifications that enable a wide variety of digital educational content to be accessed from a wide variety of learning platforms, including learning management systems, course management systems, virtual learning environments, portals, and web applications. Downloadable or web accessible content developed to conform to the specifications will “run” in a wide variety of conformant learning platforms.

Assets such as audio and video files are added to engage readers in a meaningful way. Files are converted to common cartridge format and tested on client-selected platform such as Schoology for compliance and QA.

Art & Illustrations

Whether you are looking for stylistic renderings, informational graphics, scientific illustrations, or animation, our illustrators will deliver the right touch. We have created thousands of pieces of art for major textbook programs—for every grade level and every discipline.

Primary illustration (PreK–5)

Secondary illustration (6–12)

Charts and graphs

Animation and interactive art

We offer the unmatched flexibility of digital illustration (raster and vector), as well as the unmistakable look of traditional reflective illustration. Whatever your style, from high-tech to hand-drawn, we can meet your budget and your deadline.

EDUPUB / ePub for Education

EDUPUB Compliant

Continuum works with leading educational publishers helping them create EDUPUB-compliant publications that precisely meet the unique structural and semantic requirements of educational publishing.

HTML5 & ePub3 Standards

Files are in compliance with the latest ePub3 and XHTML standards, helping you meet accessibility requirements.

NIMAS Conversion

We are officially recognized by CAST NIMAS Development and Technical Assistance Center as a NIMAS content conversion service provider. In addition to the many formats to which we convert files to, Continuum also offers NIMAS conversion services to K–12 curriculum publishers or other content producers. We help publishers convert their materials to the NIMAS standard.

Convert Word/PDF/InDesign files to a NIMAS XML/NIMAS XHTML file

Generate NIMAS-compliant XML files in book publishing workflow

Create NIMAS-compliant web sites

Create NIMAS-compliant mobile XHTML files

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